1988 Origin Intro + Quest For Clues II Press Releases

Updates have been thin on the ground here recently which is likely to continue for a while. I tend to be all or nothing with most things and my enthusiasm for blogging has been waning recently. I had thought about taking a complete hiatus but I’ll just reduce posting to as and when I feel the urge instead. The main distractions are work and a huge backlog of games crying out for my attention.

Having offered far too much money for her Kickstarter, I’ve been playing Jane Jensen’s Gray Matter most of the last week which I’m seriously enjoying. I’m a sucker for point and clicks and this is a about as traditional as it gets, with the sort of involving storyline I would expect from Jensen. When I get that finished, I have near enough the entire catalog of Legend sat on a shelf unplayed which I intend to make a start on.

That isn’t going to leave much time for this site but I’ll fit in some posts and the occasional Origin game somewhere. Today I have the last couple of items in a folder of press releases I’ve been slowly working through. They aren’t the pick of the crop but getting them on here does mean I can finally tidy the folder away. The first of these is a concise 1 page introduction to Origin circa 1988. This describes the company goals, foundations and gives short descriptions of the newest games at the time. It contradicts the official book of Ultima claiming that the move away from Sierra was to achieve greater creative control rather than being due to the poor royalties received on ports but I’m sure there were plenty of factors:-

Origin Press Release 1988

The second scan is a press release for Quest For Clues II from August 1st 1989. This appears to be a test run as it’s not on the usual headed paper and would probably have had a further product spec. on the back.

Quest For Clues 2 Press Release

Origin Sales News Bulletin – Issue #1

Back in 1987 Origin signed a deal with Broderbund for them to distribute their games. Dating from a year later, this is a scan of the first sales bulletin provided to the Broderbund sales and marketing team. It gives the basic info of the various ports that were just being released at the time + the Ultima 5 cluebook. That cluebook followed some months behind the initial release of the game which definitely wouldn’t happen these days. It also mentions problems with the first version of Ultima 4 on Amiga although it never shipped to customers. This does make me wonder what happened to all those faulty copies:-

Origin Sales News Bulletin - Front Origin Sales News Bulletin - Back

Ultima 7 Cluebook Cover Proofs

A bit of searching has turned up far more Ultima 7 artifacts than I expected. I’m not going to get through them all today in fact but I’ll manage a couple more starting with these negatives and a proof printed from them for the Ultima 7 logo and key artwork. These were combined with some other elements and used on the cover of the Ultima 7 cluebook (Key To The Black Gate):-

Ultima 7 Black Key & Logo Proof/Negatives

Ultima – The Ultimate Collector’s Guide


Ultima – The Ultimate Collector’s Guide was written by Stephen Emond and as you might expect is a guide to all the Ultima games, books and paraphernalia every Ultima fan like myself feels a deep-seated need to own. It weighs in at a hefty 826 pages and an even heftier 1973 items. I always knew there was a lot of Ultima out there but this is going some. I thought I owned my fair share but I totalled up that I have maybe 60-70 of the items in here. That’s less than 4% and I’m writing this from a room where the walls are nearly entirely obscured by piles of games. I’m not sure if a guide like this inspires or makes a complete collection look insurmountable.

Thankfully, I’ve never aspired to a complete collection. Apart from anything else, I like being able to move around in my house too much. That doesn’t mean that I’m not interested in what is available though and this provides the perfect way to cherry pick and see what I’m missing out on. While doing so, it gives a glimpse into the history of one of gaming’s most significant series.

It’s organised by game with each release and variation getting a photo and content list. If you wanted to know what the contents of the Italian budget edition of Ultima 6 were, this is the place to look. Each of the variations of manual and media are covered separately with brief descriptions of the differences. Aside from the games, there are magazine adverts, books, soundtracks, and so on. All the games and spin offs are included, with the exception of Ultima Online which warrants its own book. UO is still covered in brief right at the end but without all the detail.

There are check lists for anyone who wants to keep track of what they need to look for. Some of the items included seem a little unfair such as unreleased games and one-off items like the Lost Vale box. Good luck to anyone trying to get hold of anything along those lines. The most interesting items for me are in the miscellaneous category. All the slight variations on games are all very well but there is no way in the world I’d attempt to collect them all. However, who could resist an Ultima 4 writing kit, or an Ultima phone card to pick out 2 from the multitude.


As a contributor (purely cash rather than content), I get an added extra book containing lists of everything Origin which I’m just as interested in as the Ultima stuff. This is far briefer and doesn’t have all the photo’s unfortunately but does contain lists of near enough everything Origin that was ever put out. Apparently there was a second Wings Of Glory guide that I’ve never heard about, although I can’t find any evidence of it having searched in the usual places. It’s gone straight to the top of my wanted list. A previously missing System Shock guide is in the post.

Inevitably, no collector’s guide can be 100% complete and I would imagine that the mere act of publishing a book like this will draw new items out of the woodwork. Largely thanks to the stuff I picked up before Christmas, I’ve got some bits and pieces that aren’t in there myself. Looking at the monumental list it is hard to imagine that there could possibly be all that much missing though and this is as complete and thorough as you could wish for and then some.

Having recently discovered an interest in scouring Japanese auction sites, my main use for the book is going to be identifying all the bits and pieces that come up when I search for Ultima. Assuming I still have a job in a months time (which isn’t a foregone conclusion), I’m planning on something of a shopping spree.

Ultima – The Ultimate Collector’s Guide is a fantastic resource and every bit as collectible as all the items it describes. I can’t imagine the time that must have gone into collating everything and it’s a true labour of love. This is aimed squarely at the collector rather than the casual fan but if the number of people prepared to contribute to the project is anything to go by there are clearly a lot of us out there. It’s not the sort of book you sit down and read cover to cover, and mainly consists of lists but if you have an interest in Ultima it’s a must have.

You can pick up a copy from Amazon among other places. It gets 5 out of 5 from Warren Spector himself which can’t be bad as endorsements go.

Crusader No Remorse Guide – New Scan

I’ve rescanned the Crusader No Remorse guide from scratch and reuploaded it. The previous version was one of the few scans on here which I didn’t do myself and I was never happy with the quality of it as all the inside pages were scanned in monochrome including the ones in colour.

I’ve also uploaded another couple of Lucasarts’ guide books:- Day Of The Tentacle and Tie Fighter – Defender Of The Empire.