Its been done before but in this blog, I’m intending to play through all the Ultima games in order from start to finish (without cheating), and post my thoughts and progress here. Does the world need another Ultima blog when its already been done so well? Probably not, but I’m going to do it anyway. I’ve always wanted to play through the whole series and that blog has inspired me to give it a go. I’m not going to attempt to be as thorough in my blog, and I may do things a bit differently as I’m not so adverse to using upgrades where they are available, e.g. I’m intending to play Lazarus instead of the original Ultima 5. I’ll also break off to look at some of the Ultima ‘literature’ along the way (hint books, avatar adventures, the two Ultima novels, the Shay Addams Ultima book etc..) I note that it took about the other guy, a year to play through all the games. I’m sure it can’t possibly take me that long….
To give a bit of background, I’ve been an Ultima fan for many years and am old enough to just about remember the early games coming out. I’ve played some of them several times, but others not at all (including the likes of serpent isle). I’m a bit late starting the blog so I’m already a few games in, I’ll cover them all briefly then go through the later games in more detail.
Enough with the intro. On to Akalabeth…..
EDIT: I decided partway through Ultima 3 to expand my run through the Ultima games to include every game Origin ever made in vaguely chronological order (although I may change my mind about the order). I’ve collected all these games and probably never played half of them so its about time I did. I’ll cover the other Origin games in more detail than the Ultimas, and include screenshots since they haven’t been blogged before.