After half a day off the air, the site is back up and running again in a new home. I’ve got no details to offer but last night my old WordPress site was deactivated for breach of terms with no warning or even contact from WordPress. I have asked for specifics but haven’t received a reply as of yet.
Plenty, if not all, of the downloads on here skip over the edge of legality which I’m well aware of. My personal opinion is that no one involved will care and it certainly isn’t going to cost anyone money. The fact that so many of my scans have been used on GOG and in one case by EA themselves is something of a vindication of this. My assumption has been that if anyone did object I’d just have to remove the offending content at the time.
I prefer to be optimistic anyway. Unless I hear otherwise I’m taking it that this wasn’t done on the basis of any corporate complaint and was merely WordPress being overzealous. I am going to be extra careful about backing everything up from here on out just in case.
For the sake of an easy life, my little-updated scummVM hacks page has moved and will now be linked in on the menu on the right. The direct link is
Apart from a few pounds out of my wallet for the setup costs + sql server there is no harm done and I’ve restored the site in full. Thanks to the ignominious departure, I can’t put a forwarding address so any links to the old address are now permanently broken. We’ll see if anyone actually finds this new site in due course. I’m fully expecting the daily hits to drop to single figures for a while now.
Having just done a complete website backup, I’ll end with a few needless stats. This site now has 11.8 Gb of files, 13166 images (not necessarily all actually used) and 5 Mb of posts. All of that and I still haven’t changed the default theme. A new location might be the cue to finally get around to tarting the place up a little but I’ll wait to see if I survive the rest of the week first.
WordPress have just emailed me and apparently “The system should not have done that” and they reinstated the original blog. Having set up my own site, I can’t see any point in going back now so I’ve cleared out my old blog and just put a link in to here.
This is extremely good news as it means I don’t have anything to worry about for now, although I’m more than slightly miffed at having gone to all the trouble and expense of moving for nothing. I’m genuinely surprised that having drawn the attention of WordPress, they would open the site again. I think this should be the cue to sort out the site into something a little more streamlined. I’ll start with that ludicrously long menu on the right hand side.