This was published in 1993 by Origin and in available to download from which is where I’ve pinched the above image from, being too lazy to scan it in again right now.
The book is supposedly compiled by Bishop, who was the equivalent of the Avatar in one of the other worlds you travel to during the game. Just like the U7 cluebook, he is only the compiler and other characters give you the background for each world along with all the maps and areas of interest. I don’t know if it’s just the fact that I’m such a massive UW2 fan, but I especially enjoyed this section and it gave the opportunity to learn a little of the history of all these worlds.
After this, Gems Of Enlightenment does something new for an Ultima cluebook and comes completely out of character. It stops pretending to be a guide written by a fictional character and instead is very much information about the game with a swathe of technical details about the mechanics. The included walkthrough is also just a walkthrough without the usual embellishments. It uses a Q & A format like U7 and has a general hint, followed by specific instructions.
If the walkthrough is too much detail, the final page of the book is a list of everything you need to do to complete the game. It’s odd to see a game that will take many hours to complete boiled down to a short list like this but if you are wondering what you need to do next, this would be the place to look.